Numerous states now allow the utilization of marijuana, THC, or cannabinoid compounds for medicinal applications, and quite a few states have legalized marijuana for recreational purposes.
Let’s have a look at what defines cannabinoids.
A particular group of substances that are found in the marijuana or cannabis plant are referred to as cannabinoids.
Some people believe that cannabinoids have broad healing qualities, but existing researches reveal that there might be adverse effects, including a significant connection between the use of cannabinoids and experiencing hearing problems including hearing loss or tinnitus.
What are the different forms of cannabinoids?
Cannabinoids are currently available in a variety of formats and applications.
Beyond its many colloquialisms, including weed, ganja, or reefer, marijuana has more comprehensive value that goes beyond its nicknames.
Cannabinoids are presently available in formats including oils, sprays, capsules, and more.
Depending on the state, and according to federal laws, different forms of cannabinoids will be available, while numerous varieties remain prohibited if their THC density exceeds 0.3%.
So it’s still normal for people to be very cautious about cannabinoids.
The problem is that we don’t presently comprehend some of the lasting side effects or complications of cannabinoid use.
For example, new findings reveal how cannabinoids can impact your ability to hear.
Cannabinoids and hearing loss
Cannabinoids are believed to be beneficial for a wide range of health problems and medical conditions.
Seizures, nausea, vertigo, and more appear to be helped by cannabinoids, according to some studies.
So researchers decided to see if cannabinoids could help with tinnitus, too.
Ongoing research indicate that making use of cannabis could have an impact on your auditory health.
- High Blood Pressure: One of the potential side effects of using cannabis is an increase in blood pressure.
Prolonged high blood pressure has the potential to harm blood vessels in various parts of the body, including those within the inner ear. Consequently, this damage can result in hearing impairment and the sensation of ringing in the ears known as tinnitus. - Ototoxicity: Some compounds found in cannabis may be harmful causing hearing issues and ringing in the ears as a result of their ototoxic nature.
Cannabinoid use can certainly result in the progression of tinnitus.
According to the research, over 20% of study subjects who used cannabinoid products reported hearing a ringing in their ears.
And, these participants had never had tinnitus symptoms before the study. Additionally, marijuana users were 20-times more likely to document experiencing tinnitus symptoms after 24 hours.
Additional studies have suggested that using marijuana might aggravate the ringing experience associated with tinnitus in people who already experience this condition.
Put simply, there’s some very solid evidence that tinnitus and cannabinoids don’t really mix very well.
The possible negative impact of cannabinoids on tinnitus symptoms
Cannabinoids can intensify your tinnitus in a few specific ways.
Initially, episodes of tinnitus symptoms may occur more frequently, and the constant humming or ringing sound in your ears might become increasingly obvious.
Additionally, using cannabinoids may intensify your tinnitus episodes, leading to louder and more relentless ringing that can be more difficult to ignore.
The beginning of tinnitus symptoms has also been linked to cannabinoids.
In other words, starting to use cannabinoids might result in the onset of tinnitus symptoms, even if you did not experience them previously.
The underlying cause of tinnitus remains uncertain
Even though we recognize the connection between tinnitus and certain triggers, we have yet to determine the exact governing reasons.
Cannabinoids may influence the middle ear and symptoms of tinnitus, but it’s still unclear why.
Obviously, research is ongoing.
As we get a better understanding of how cannabinoids are linked to tinnitus, individuals will have the knowledge necessary to make an educated decision on which form of cannabinoid to select.
There’s been no lack of marketing hype involving cannabinoids in recent years.
A key factor is the changing public opinion regarding cannabinoids, which also demonstrates an increasing interest in exploring alternatives to opioids.
However, new research has illuminated the potential downsides of cannabinoids, specifically for people who value their hearing health, showing that these substances can have adverse effects on hearing.
Tinnitus and cannabinoids are unmistakably connected based on current research.
So regardless of how much advertising you see for CBD oils, if you’re worried about tinnitus, you should most likely stay away from them.
With the solid connection between cannabinoids and tinnitus, it’s wise to exercise caution.
Don’t wait to get a professional evaluation if you’re coping with tinnitus or hearing troubles – prioritizing your auditory well-being is crucial for your overall health.