Tom is excited, he’s getting a brand new knee! Hey, the things you get excited about change as you get older. He will be able to move moving around more freely and will experience less pain with his new knee. So Tom is admitted, the operation is a success, and Tom heads home! But that […]
Movies and TV shows tend to use close-ups (sometimes extreme close-ups) when the action begins getting really intense. This is because more information than you’re likely even consciously aware of is conveyed by the human face. To say that humans are very facially centered is, well, not a stretch. So it’s no surprise that the […]
Once you get accustomed to your hearing aid, it’s hard to go without it. Your hearing aids are, after all, your connection to the world around you. But just like all technology, though, it will have to be upgraded eventually. A hearing aid’s typical lifespan From 3 to 7 years will be the normal lifespan […]
Your hearing won’t be just gone one day when you wake up. For most individuals, hearing loss progresses in degrees, especially when it is associated with the aging process. Some indicators show up earlier, though, and you don’t detect there is an issue right away. These initially developing symptoms advance very subtly. Identifying them sooner […]
You Know when you’re viewing an action movie and the hero has a loud explosion close by and their ears start ringing? Well, guess what: that probably means our hero sustained at least a minor traumatic brain injury! To be sure, brain injuries aren’t the bit that most action movies linger on. But that ringing […]
TikTok has some really awesome videos you’ve most likely seen. Babies hearing the voice of their mother for the first time after getting a hearing aid. Sometimes, at first, the baby is resistant. When the doctor attempts to place the hearing aid in their ears, they put up a fight. Before they smile with joy, […]
Isn’t pizza cool? As long as it meets a few basic criteria (crust, sauce, cheese, etc.) whatever the toppings, it’s still pizza. Hearing loss is also like this. Symptoms and presentations are caused by many different issues – loud noises, genetics, age, ear obstructions – but as long as you have difficulty detecting sounds, it’s […]
Have you ever woken up after a night’s sleep and heard birds singing a pleasant song through your open window? So happens, there’s a name for all those birdsongs: the dawn chorus. Birds see the sunrise and, for some reason, decide it’s time to sing out their favorite melody. The songs of these birds, when […]
If you aren’t very wealthy, a car isn’t really an impulse purchase. So a great deal of research is probably the first thing you do. You take a good look at things such as gas mileage, overall price, and customer reviews. (You’re on Google a lot.) It is sensible to do this amount of research. […]
Millions of years ago, the world was much different. This steamy, volcano-laden landscape is where the long-necked Diplacusis wandered. Thanks to its really long neck and tail, Diplacusis was so big that it feared no predator. Actually, the long-necked dinosaur from the Jurassic Period is known as Diplodocus. When you’re hearing two sounds simultaneously, that’s […]