You scheduled a hearing test but you’re so busy it’s reasonable that you would have forgotten about it. Thankfully, you just received that reminder text from the clinic, and you still have time to prepare. But what type of preparation should you do? While it may not require an all-night study session like in your […]
Summer is synonymous with sunshine, relaxation, and plenty of social activities. But enjoying these summer activities can be a real challenge for people who have trouble hearing. Fear not, as with a bit of planning and consideration, you can ensure that your summer experiences are still enjoyable. Essential tips to get the most of summer […]
Are you aware that your chance of developing age-related hearing loss can be increased if you have high blood pressure? Age-related hearing loss normally begins to manifest in your 40s, 50s, or 60s. Your symptoms may advance slowly and be mostly invisible, but this type of hearing loss is permanent. Years of noise damage is […]
Age-related hearing loss can have diverse impacts across your whole life. Not only is your ability to hear affected, but also your social life, your professional networks, and even your cognitive abilities. The way your brain functions, including your memory and mood, can be substantially affected by hearing loss. Sometimes, the relationship between hearing loss […]
It’s not unusual for people to have ringing in their ears, also called tinnitus. It’s one of the most prevalent health conditions in the world with some estimates suggesting that up to 10 percent of the population experiences it at one point or another. The condition is experienced as a sound in the ear that […]
Putting off on essential appointments, like your hearing aid fitting, is all too easy amidst the hustle and bustle of day-to-day events. You may not even get around to shopping for hearing aids at all. However, delaying treatment for hearing loss is a lot more than just a misstep concerning your ears alone. The link […]
In the hectic frenzy of day-to-day life, our ears frequently shoulder the burden of neglect and accidental harm. From the allure of ear candling to the seemingly harmless act of using cotton swabs, our auditory health can suffer from these common yet perilous practices. Below, we delve into four important methods to safeguard your sense […]
You probably don’t give a lot of thought to earwax accumulation unless you’re in the process of clearing it out. Nonetheless, comprehending what causes earwax, how it forms, and its purpose is essential. What initiates the accumulation of earwax? Earwax, also technically called cerumen, is composed of a combination of sweat, skin particles, hair, debris, […]
Many aspects of your daily life can be impacted by Hearing Loss. Your pastimes, your professional life, and even your love life can be affected by hearing loss, for example. Communication can become tense for couples who are dealing with hearing loss. This can cause increased stress, more arguments, and even the development of animosity. […]
Why is getting routine hearing tests essential? That’s because your general health can be substantially affected by hearing loss. Your quality of life will be improved, your health will be improved, and you will get proper treatment faster if you get tested regularly. Who should get a hearing examination? A loss in hearing ability can […]