Hearing loss is often a gradual process, making it easy to ignore the subtle changes in your ability to hear sounds. Although children are regularly tested, the majority of adults don’t even consider scheduling a hearing exam like they would their vision. So why would your hearing be any less relevant than your eyesight? It’s […]
Determining hearing loss is more technical than it may seem at first. You can probably hear certain things clearly at lower volumes but not others. You may confuse certain letters like “S” or “B”, but hear other letters just fine at any volume. When you figure out how to read your hearing test it becomes […]
What’s the connection between hearing loss and dementia? Medical science has found a connection between brain health and hearing loss. It was found that even mild untreated hearing impairment raises your risk of developing dementia. These two seemingly unrelated health disorders might have a pathological connection. So how can a hearing exam help reduce the […]
TikTok has some really awesome videos you’ve most likely seen. Babies hearing the voice of their mother for the first time after getting a hearing aid. Sometimes, at first, the baby is resistant. When the doctor attempts to place the hearing aid in their ears, they put up a fight. Before they smile with joy, […]
It’s a common first response – denial. Of course, my loved one’s hearing loss isn’t as advanced as it seems. She’s not old enough to need a hearing aid. Perhaps, it’s become a joke between the two of you. She is always requesting that you repeat what you said. It’s just a game. You laugh […]
Assistive listening devices and hearing aids can be used to treat the prevalent condition of hearing loss. But hearing loss is often ignored and untreated. This can result in greater depression rates and feelings of separation in those with hearing loss. It can also lead to a breakdown in personal and work relationships, which itself […]
Hearing loss is challenging, if not impossible, to diagnose by yourself. For instance, you can’t really put your ear up to a speaker and effectively calculate what you hear. That means that if you want to understand what’s going on with your hearing, you have to take a test. But there’s no need to be […]